This is our twenty fourth call and we are trying to guess the city their from.We asked him if he was in any big city's just to pinpoint were it would be.He answered some of our questions by saying if
the city we asked their are in too far West ,East, and North.It wasn't long till we guess the city.
Ms.Castillo actually guess it right ,it was Halifax Canada.He showed us the Atlantic ocean just outside of his window. He kinda gave us an idea of how cold it is in Canada.He actually was in a museum. He told us a little about the history of Canada and how it was founded.
We asked him a question more about present day and what language do they speak.He said that they mainly speak English and a couple other languages.We asked him why he chose that job?
and he said that he liked looking into the not so nice times in history. He explained to us that
people in HIstory wanted Canada to be a white british country.We got to know more about immigrants in Canada and how they were used in Canada history.We asked him how long did it take him to learn everything? He made it clear that he really enjoys history so he picks it up quicker.
Next question we asked him was about Canada now itself and it was "what are some big landmarks in Canada.We asked him his opinion about migration in the United States and he was unfortunately not able to answer because he works for the government. in the city he is in right now is about 4,000 people since it such a small city.
This Spring DeLay Middle School will host a 24 Hour World Tour and our team of students will attempt to contact people on each of the 7 continents. We are interested in providing opportunities for our students to interact with people around the world using a variety of platforms (Skype, Zoom, Facetime, etc.) As our kids travel the world digitally and virtually, we will share our experiences through our blog and Twitter #DeLayWorldJourney. We hope you can join us!
Friday, March 13, 2020
Alejandro Gonzalez
Friday March 13, 2020
New York, New York
John lives in a 1 bedroom apartment. Lives near the Empire State Building. John is a very picky eater. John walks to his job. John sometimes goes to the gym.
John was there when Nickelodeon when it first launched. He also has been in the Kid's Choice Awards. John also met Spongebob! John used to work in MTV and helped with music videos. John was so lucky to dance with Beyonce! John moved to New York in 1997 and sadly experienced 9/11.
John has his own company! John was inspired by watching lot of TV as a kid, but also he wanted to be a DJ. John worked with Ariana Grande and knew she had a big future. John's name was put as a restaurant in Zoey 101.
Friday March 13, 2020
New York, New York
John lives in a 1 bedroom apartment. Lives near the Empire State Building. John is a very picky eater. John walks to his job. John sometimes goes to the gym.
John was there when Nickelodeon when it first launched. He also has been in the Kid's Choice Awards. John also met Spongebob! John used to work in MTV and helped with music videos. John was so lucky to dance with Beyonce! John moved to New York in 1997 and sadly experienced 9/11.
John has his own company! John was inspired by watching lot of TV as a kid, but also he wanted to be a DJ. John worked with Ariana Grande and knew she had a big future. John's name was put as a restaurant in Zoey 101.
March 13, 2020
Emanuel Cung
We are talking to Ms. Garza sister about her horse and what she does.
She lives on a 30 acre farm, she helps with kids with disabilities and former military who have PTSD.
She helps horses that are bad behaving and has an olympic horse to care for.
The kids talk about her past life as an ex-army, what it was like and whether she would join it again.
The farm was owned by a lady name Julie Robert, you can go to the website and take some classes.
Q. Do you miss Texas
A. Well yeah the food, it is very different, like they don't have brisket and Whataburger. But I do miss the family cuz we are so far from Texas.
The horses don't live in a barn, they are in a herd, but they do get aggressive around each other when it comes to food. In the herd the male would be top but when I'm out there they know that I'm in charge, we don't show aggression or yell at them.
There are two different saddles - the western saddle and English saddle. The western saddle is more heavier than the English saddle that is the like the difference.
Friday, 8:00 am
Ready for the 8:00 am call.
This will be the 22nd conference call.
24 hours ago, the students were arriving to school and getting ready to begin this adventure.
Here they are, still enjoying and working hard.
Always doing their best!
This will be the 22nd conference call.
24 hours ago, the students were arriving to school and getting ready to begin this adventure.
Here they are, still enjoying and working hard.
Always doing their best!
Archie Walker
Friday, 6:00 am.
These brave ladies have been up and keeping the conversations going.
Now, they are talking to Archie Walker. He is an American living in Nairobi.
He took us on a tour around the market. Colorful, lively, and noisy.
These brave ladies have been up and keeping the conversations going.
Now, they are talking to Archie Walker. He is an American living in Nairobi.
He took us on a tour around the market. Colorful, lively, and noisy.
Nairobi, Kenya
Lucia Genuardi
In the Cheery Children Center, The kids prepared to play music for us. Some of the children competed at an athletics competition and couldn't make it. They played Jingle Bells for us on Flutes, Clarinets and Trumpets. They have been playing for two years. They like to play instruments because they love music. Their ages are from 10 to 11 years old.
We learned that (Jum-bo) is how you say hi in their language. Some of our kids told them how to say things in chin and in spanish. Biak taught the kids how to say hi in chin, and Sira taught them how to say "Hi how are you?" in spanish which is "Ahola, como estas".
The children where most curious about our band at Delay. They talked about UIL. Then some of our girls told them how to do "The Renegade" From Tik Tok. Then we asked them what is a dance there in which a boy danced for us. After they sang in their language for us. The boy put his hand on his hip and danced as the kids on screen chanted.
They asked us about when the Band kids practice in which we told them about band practice.
They also asked about our buses. A boy asked about how many kids we have and about subjects. In their school they have six subjects.
Antonia asked about the fruit here. There they stay at school from 6:00 am to 5:00 Pm which is 11 hours.
In the Cheery Children Center, The kids prepared to play music for us. Some of the children competed at an athletics competition and couldn't make it. They played Jingle Bells for us on Flutes, Clarinets and Trumpets. They have been playing for two years. They like to play instruments because they love music. Their ages are from 10 to 11 years old.
We learned that (Jum-bo) is how you say hi in their language. Some of our kids told them how to say things in chin and in spanish. Biak taught the kids how to say hi in chin, and Sira taught them how to say "Hi how are you?" in spanish which is "Ahola, como estas".
The children where most curious about our band at Delay. They talked about UIL. Then some of our girls told them how to do "The Renegade" From Tik Tok. Then we asked them what is a dance there in which a boy danced for us. After they sang in their language for us. The boy put his hand on his hip and danced as the kids on screen chanted.
They asked us about when the Band kids practice in which we told them about band practice.
They also asked about our buses. A boy asked about how many kids we have and about subjects. In their school they have six subjects.
Antonia asked about the fruit here. There they stay at school from 6:00 am to 5:00 Pm which is 11 hours.
First Mystery Call blog by Perla J
March 13, 2020
3:00 am
In our 24 Hour World Tour we are on our first mystery call. We narrowed it down to Asia and Australia just on knowing that they are 13 hours ahead of us! We haven't even started the call yet but are slowly getting closer to the answer just by using how many hours ahead of other continents.
For our second mystery call we are not going to be able to know the time they are in.
We noticed that they had mask on due to the Corona Virus. Right of the bat we asked them if they are from Japan and they are not.The second question we asked is "if they live in the eastern hemisphere".The second question we asked is if they were from tiyan based of their eyes and skin, and they are.They still needed to guess were we are from.They asked us if we are from Africa, but we are not .They also asked us if we are from Mexico.We still needed to find out there city so we ask them if their city starts with certain letters.We figured out that their city starts with a "K".They finally figured out we are from the united states!We guessed if there city was Kaohsiung and we were correct!They still needed to guess our state but it wasn't long till they found out.We HAD to comment on there skin and skin tone and how it was so clear!They are so PRETTY!!!!!Now that we knew each others location we got to know more about their culture!We taught them Tik Tok dances and they asked us questions they wanted to know.One of those question was what are different celebrations do we celebrate, we listed a few such aThanksgiving and Easter. They also asked us if we liked any sports and we responded with football, basketball and volleyball.Once they got to know us better they performed for us an amazing song by Bruno Mars!We really loved their voices and instruments!Next another group went on the screen to tell us more about them. They had a presentation ready for us. The first slide was about popular snacks one of them was very known here as Boba Tea . They then started teaching us a little of their language. They gave us their Social Medias to connect with them. We then agreed to email each others social medias. Allow me just to say they are GORGEOUS !!!!! Another group came into the screen ,we first introduced our selfs to them, as one should.They told us a little about traditions in tiyan. we shared many laughs and taught them how we play "Rock, Paper, Shoot!". They knew a lot of our slang terms in the united states. we asked them if they liked sports and they said Basketball and swimming.Our follow up question to that was are there any people they looked up to they said, Kobe Bryant <3. So at this point it was my turn to go talk to them . While we were talking Emanuel, one of our fellow peers thought a girl was cute. So me being a good friend told Jenny (the cute girl) that he thought she was cute, and she gave a heart to him and now are friends on social media. They asked us if we play Fortnite and only a couple girls answered yes.We took a picture with them to save the memory!
Taking a break
South Korea
Friday March 13, 2020
Pohang, South Korea 2:00 am ( 4:00 pm in South Korea)
Brad is a missionary in South Korea. Brad met Vanny from Cambodia. Brad and Vanny are very close friends. Brad never planned to be a missionary. His dad is a school teacher. Brad always looks to his dad. Brad also was an orchestra teacher in Farmers Branch for 8 years.
Conviction - have a deep belief about something/someone.
Brad's friend's family were going to move to Cambodia. Brad has been to Cambodia, China, and South Korea. Brad's family hasn't gone outside their apartment for 2 and half weeks. Brad has to wear a mask and gloves. Brad's family is trying to not leave their apartment.
Brad is a teacher in a small academy for people to learn English. It is hard to go outside. Brad says that the babies from South Korea are VERY CUTE !
Pohang is really not a place for tourist. Brad and his wife have seen water falls and beaches. Koreans use their throat to pronounce the words. People are still digging for treasure/artifacts. Brad has gone to Mexico, China,Philippines, and Cambodia.
From- Alejandro Gonzalez
Pohang, South Korea 2:00 am ( 4:00 pm in South Korea)
Brad is a missionary in South Korea. Brad met Vanny from Cambodia. Brad and Vanny are very close friends. Brad never planned to be a missionary. His dad is a school teacher. Brad always looks to his dad. Brad also was an orchestra teacher in Farmers Branch for 8 years.
Conviction - have a deep belief about something/someone.
Brad's friend's family were going to move to Cambodia. Brad has been to Cambodia, China, and South Korea. Brad's family hasn't gone outside their apartment for 2 and half weeks. Brad has to wear a mask and gloves. Brad's family is trying to not leave their apartment.
Brad is a teacher in a small academy for people to learn English. It is hard to go outside. Brad says that the babies from South Korea are VERY CUTE !
Pohang is really not a place for tourist. Brad and his wife have seen water falls and beaches. Koreans use their throat to pronounce the words. People are still digging for treasure/artifacts. Brad has gone to Mexico, China,Philippines, and Cambodia.
From- Alejandro Gonzalez
Thursday, March 12, 2020
March 13, 2020
1:00 am
In our 24 hour world tour experience we are now with our 17 call. We are with fire fighter Marcel. Marcel learned more english coming back and forth from Germany to the United States. In Germany you are allowed to drive at the age of 17 but, you first have to drive with a parent for a year and by the age of 18 you are able to drive alone. Marcel lives in south west of Germany and about 3 to 4 hours from France. One thing that Marcel misses from the United States is the trucks and cars. In Germany they drive small cars such as Mercedes, were as he likes big trucks. If he had a chance to live in the United States he would want to live Texas. Some of his favorite food places here in Texas is Texas Roadhouse, and Whataburger. Marcel actually didn't go to college and just started working right after highschool. Marcel's favorite city in Texas is San Antonio because of the Alamo, and river walk.
1:00 am
In our 24 hour world tour experience we are now with our 17 call. We are with fire fighter Marcel. Marcel learned more english coming back and forth from Germany to the United States. In Germany you are allowed to drive at the age of 17 but, you first have to drive with a parent for a year and by the age of 18 you are able to drive alone. Marcel lives in south west of Germany and about 3 to 4 hours from France. One thing that Marcel misses from the United States is the trucks and cars. In Germany they drive small cars such as Mercedes, were as he likes big trucks. If he had a chance to live in the United States he would want to live Texas. Some of his favorite food places here in Texas is Texas Roadhouse, and Whataburger. Marcel actually didn't go to college and just started working right after highschool. Marcel's favorite city in Texas is San Antonio because of the Alamo, and river walk.
Salem, India- 10:00 pm
Salem, Indian
Not a typo
There is a place in Indian called Salem
Today we met a group of Indian students!! They taught us so much!!!
Some Facts We Learned:
- They have free education.
- English is most of their second language.
- They all speak Indie.
- They eat this type of food called curry.
- These students showed us that the women in their culture wear this things that look like dresses. The men wear skirts a a shirt. They look so beautiful.
- The most important thing to us is our family.
- Every time we speak they show us a sign that has hands clapping and a heart.
Coach D
March 13, 2020
9:00 pm
9:00 pm
We got pumped up and learned how to energize ourselves when we get tired!! Thank you so much!! You were so amazing, fun and full of energy!! We are set for the evening!!
Australia in the House
March 13
12:00 am
M. Garza
Film Maker
12:00 am
M. Garza
Film Maker
- Simon "7 continents is my goal!!"
- He needs Antarctica!!
- Simon we might know someone!!
- Student Question "Why no dialogue?"
- Boxer
- Boxer have people around him
- When you are in ring you are completely on your own.
- Wanted to show that it is sometimes a lonely road. Understand the journey, is more important.
- Student Question "Favorite Country you filmed in?"
- Climatize quickly
- food
- culture
- Palestine
- drank coffee
- warn torn but show how people are reliant
- Simon "I have a sense of adventure"
- It is his Australian Nature
- 3 P's- People, Pay, Project
March 12, 2020
M. Garza
Dear Vanny,
This letter is to you. I loved your story. You have risen from poverty and found something you love. I can't believe how positive you are. Your honesty and sharing how you grew up with my students has inspired me to be a better person. Your story was emotional and made us cry. I am fortunate and know my mom and dad. You have had a few families and finally met your mom. I am happy you have. Your family is amazing just like you. May you continue to follow your dreams!!
Paul Garza, "Don't speak nerd!"
"Don't Speak Nerd Paul!" - Ms. Garza
Ms. Garza's brother, Paul, jumped online with us tonight to talk about network security. He explained to us, in plain English, what he does at his job, and why it's important.
Fun fact: he's Ms. Garza's little brother, but he's much taller than Ms. Garza, so is he really the little brother? 🤔
We really wanted him to slide down the slide IN HIS OFFICE, but he wouldn't, even though we were trying a little peer pressure, "Go, go, go." BUT, it was a no go. Lol
Super fun call with a sibling - personal calls are the best calls. Ask Ms. Garza about the picture of the blue dress - it's highly entertaining.
Adios Ratboy!!
Tips for Writing!!
March 12, 2020
Biak Sung
She works for/at a university.
Here are some tips:
Biak Sung
She works for/at a university.
Here are some tips:
- Main topics for writing: who, what, when, where, and why?
- Try to find a fresh print when you're writing for a company.
- You may have a word count limit.
- Writers for newspapers are not doing so well because people look at stuff online now.
- People can sue the writers so it's a huge responsibility.
- Blogs are a way to tell stories.
- There are no rules for writing blogs.
- Think about what you love and write about it.
- It's more interesting if you tell us about something you like or love to do.
- Use websites for free images so that you don't accidentally copyright an image.
- Use pictures to attract people. Remember that things you put online never go away! Will you regret it in the future?
Deborah Glenn, Los Angeles, CA
Blogging, Posting, Telling a Story

What kinds of conversations do you read? Our students answered they read online news journals and social media, but they don't read news in print.
In today's world, what you read in print is more of a reaction to the news, an opinion piece or commentary, rather than breaking news which appears online before it ever makes it to print. Something else we find in print today are feature stories, which are stories related to the interests of people in that local or regional area.
When writing, stick with the original questions: who, what, when, where, why? If you can answer those questions, your piece will cover the most important information.
A blog is a way to tell stories, keep a diary, explore topics about what you're interested in. There are no formal rules for a blog, but one thing that always helps a blog is voice writing. When your particular tone or point of view really stands out, your blog could become popular and reach many people.
Any writing is better when you're writing about something you really care about it. Keep your post at 500 words or less because of limited attention spans and patience. Include fun images and pictures! Remember to use your own pictures or free pictures from the internet because of copyright issues.
Great advice from a former NYC editor! Thanks for all the good information!!
March 12
7:00 am
His name is Vanny Chan. He lives in Cambodia, Pou Senchey District. He went to school for a short period of time.
He was living in trash and also sleeping in trash too when he was young. He did not live originally with his mom or dad. He met his mom later in life. He really doesn't know his dad.
He said he found Jesus and that helped him out of poverty. He asked God to bless him with a job so he can take care of his family. He is now an evangelist today.
Vanny has 2 kids, 1 girl and 1 boy and he is married.
Hiral Desai: San Antonio, TX
AVID really pushed her to think about how she wanted to further her career after high school, got her to apply for scholarships, and helped her build a network to get a head start on advancing her education.
Houston Cougar! Fell in love with UH. Saw them at a college fair. Houston actually has the world's largest medical center. She was shocked, too! Definitely recommends going to visit colleges before making a choice.
Currently working in a nursing department at Northeast Methodist in San Antonio.
Recommends taking advantage of career center courses in high school like Public Health, Medical Terminology, and Clinical Rotations if you want to be a nurse. Get first-hand experience and some background on the field.
Blood and vomit never bothered her ... but sometimes the smell does! Her emotions are on her face, and she has a bad gag reflex. So if she knows that's something really funky with a patient, she puts some Vicks VapoRub under her nose, chews some gum, and puts on a mask so people can't see her face! :D
Ice cube in Antartica
Walk 2/3 of a mile to get where they want. They fly to New Zealand and from there they go to Antartica. Fly under the cloud so you see whole Antartica. 72 flights bring them supplies. Stay there 8 months. 9300 of elevation so not really cold but just the elevation. Get altitude sickness. Winter rooms are bigger than summer rooms.
Ranger Molly
March 12, 2020
Dinosaur National Monument
Ranger Molly says preserving the dinosaurs are important too. More than 1,300 species around there. All the rocks are sedimentary. 1.1 billion years old is the oldest one. More than 1,500 bones in the national park. The landscape was very different because everything was green. There were no grass or flowers in that era. Crocodiles were related to dinosaurs. Birds come from dinosaurs. They find less predators than plant eating ones. LOL she likes dino nuggets. Found a little crocodile on a rock that was a part of a river bank. Only rangers can climb the wall.#Rangerpower. A lot of animals have certain type of teeth for different food they will eat. In 1847 people started using the word dinosaur. Dinosaur is like scary and big lizard.
- Alondra & Mckayla
Dinosaur National Monument
Ranger Molly says preserving the dinosaurs are important too. More than 1,300 species around there. All the rocks are sedimentary. 1.1 billion years old is the oldest one. More than 1,500 bones in the national park. The landscape was very different because everything was green. There were no grass or flowers in that era. Crocodiles were related to dinosaurs. Birds come from dinosaurs. They find less predators than plant eating ones. LOL she likes dino nuggets. Found a little crocodile on a rock that was a part of a river bank. Only rangers can climb the wall.#Rangerpower. A lot of animals have certain type of teeth for different food they will eat. In 1847 people started using the word dinosaur. Dinosaur is like scary and big lizard.
- Alondra & Mckayla
Dinosaur National Monument, Vernal, UT
Quick chat with Ranger Molly at Dinosaur National Monument in Vernal, UT. Such a cool place!
All of the rock layers at the park are sedimentary layers, the oldest being over 1 billion years old! The rocks in the picture below are 150 million years old where they find lots of dinosaur bones.

Our students had a lot of questions about dinosaurs - who doesn't love them?
"Dinosaurs haven't really gone extinct," says Ranger Molly. She's speaking of the avian dinosaurs (birds) that still exist on the earth today.
Here's a picture of a dinosaur skull just in case you haven't seen one lately 😉:
All of the rock layers at the park are sedimentary layers, the oldest being over 1 billion years old! The rocks in the picture below are 150 million years old where they find lots of dinosaur bones.

The museum houses many dinosaur fossils. Much of the landscape in the wall mural doesn't exist today, but it's fun to see on the wall!

Our students had a lot of questions about dinosaurs - who doesn't love them?
"Dinosaurs haven't really gone extinct," says Ranger Molly. She's speaking of the avian dinosaurs (birds) that still exist on the earth today.
Here's a picture of a dinosaur skull just in case you haven't seen one lately 😉:
Ranger Molly climbed the wall for us to show us more fossils. Such a cool experience!! Thanks for a fun and informational call!!!
March 12, 2020
Call #6: Dinosaur National Monument
We spoke to Ranger Molly.
She works as a park ranger in Utah in a jurassic type park. There is almost 1,300 species of dinosaurs.
The layers of rock are sedimentary and the oldest rock is like 1 billion years old way before the dinosaurs. There is 1,500 bones in the rock wall. The crocodile is not a DINOSAUR!
Ranger Molly's favorite dinosaur has four wings. They find less predators than plant eating dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs are really not extinct! Most of the dinosaurs were killed by a meteor on the coast of Mexico at the same time.
The word Dinosaur was started to get used by the mid 1800's!
They chose dinosaur because they thought dinosaur were lizards and the definition of dinosaur is terrible lizard.
-Lauryn & Alejandro
Call #6: Dinosaur National Monument
We spoke to Ranger Molly.
She works as a park ranger in Utah in a jurassic type park. There is almost 1,300 species of dinosaurs.
The layers of rock are sedimentary and the oldest rock is like 1 billion years old way before the dinosaurs. There is 1,500 bones in the rock wall. The crocodile is not a DINOSAUR!
Ranger Molly's favorite dinosaur has four wings. They find less predators than plant eating dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs are really not extinct! Most of the dinosaurs were killed by a meteor on the coast of Mexico at the same time.
The word Dinosaur was started to get used by the mid 1800's!
They chose dinosaur because they thought dinosaur were lizards and the definition of dinosaur is terrible lizard.
-Lauryn & Alejandro
Dinosaur National Monument
Call #6 - 4:00 PM
Vernal, Utah
Ranger Molly
Julissa here for information about Dinosaur National Monument:
-The Monument protects and restores the dinosaurs fossils
-There is over a thousand species of dinosaurs
-Oldest layer of rock is over 1.1 Billion,which is older then most dinosaurs
-Over one thousand five hundred bones in the Monument
-The landscape was very different from how it is today
-Grass or flowers didn't exist till after the dinosaurs lived
-Crocodiles were around when dinosaurs were
-They have many dinosaur fossils that are preserved
-We can use dinosaurs fossils to infer how and why they used certain body parts
-Scientists began to use the word dinosaur in 1847
-People have been finding dinosaur bones for thousands and thousands of years
Vernal, Utah
Ranger Molly
Julissa here for information about Dinosaur National Monument:
-The Monument protects and restores the dinosaurs fossils
-There is over a thousand species of dinosaurs
-Oldest layer of rock is over 1.1 Billion,which is older then most dinosaurs
-Over one thousand five hundred bones in the Monument
-The landscape was very different from how it is today
-Grass or flowers didn't exist till after the dinosaurs lived
-Crocodiles were around when dinosaurs were
-They have many dinosaur fossils that are preserved
-We can use dinosaurs fossils to infer how and why they used certain body parts
-Scientists began to use the word dinosaur in 1847
-People have been finding dinosaur bones for thousands and thousands of years
Turtles update
Team Turtles - Call #5
The Powhatan Indians grew lots of corn and tobacco, but not the traditional tobacco that made the English lots of $$$$.
3:00 PM
Richmond, Virginia
Call #5 was with Haley at the Virginia Museum of History & Culture. The Native American tribes in Virginia prefer to be called Virginia Indians.
Did you know that Pocahontas Disney movie not actually correct? Pocahontas was only 12 years old when John Smith got to Virginia. Soooo like they didn't get married because like that's weird. She did, however, marry a white man named John Rolph. She also changed her name to Rebecca!
Powhatan means "chief," so all this time we've been saying Chief Chief when we talk about Pocahontas's dad!! Who knew?!
Powhatans used longbows to hunt. They are made out of saplings (baby sized trees) and tendons to make the stretchy part. THE WOMEN CHEWED ON THE TENDONS TO MAKE THEM STRETCHY!!!! GROSS!!!
RIP Pocahontas - she died in England and is buried there at the age of 20.
Ps. Haley rocks.... she's sassy and I loved it!
-Castillo Out
Hailey Fenner: Virginia Museum of History & Culture
Emanuel Cung & Biak Sung
The place was been around since 1861 and has 9 million things in the museum.
We talked about Virginia Indians, the most famous one was Pocahontas. When John White came he was old, but Pocahontas was around 11 to 12 so she wasn't in love with him that was false in the movies.
A man named John White painted a picture of a village to show the English people. Women did the construction and hard work. They used a shoulder blade of a deer as a tool for building houses. They used deer body to kill other deers, they even used deer pee to be more disguised. They used tendons of a deer for the stretchy part of a bow, they used antlers from the deers for the arrows, then they used the bone part of a deer's foot for a fish hook.
Q. How they study artifacts?
A. They get the info from the person they got it from. The lady told us that they got something from Alexander Hamilton, he gave it to his son, and the son gave it to John Marshall, and Marshall's son gave it to the VMHC.
Pocahontas was held for ransom but the demand was never met. Whether she was forced to are wanted too she got married to a guy. She became a baptized Christian and changed her name to Rebecca. She had a son named Thomas.
The place was been around since 1861 and has 9 million things in the museum.
We talked about Virginia Indians, the most famous one was Pocahontas. When John White came he was old, but Pocahontas was around 11 to 12 so she wasn't in love with him that was false in the movies.
A man named John White painted a picture of a village to show the English people. Women did the construction and hard work. They used a shoulder blade of a deer as a tool for building houses. They used deer body to kill other deers, they even used deer pee to be more disguised. They used tendons of a deer for the stretchy part of a bow, they used antlers from the deers for the arrows, then they used the bone part of a deer's foot for a fish hook.
Q. How they study artifacts?
A. They get the info from the person they got it from. The lady told us that they got something from Alexander Hamilton, he gave it to his son, and the son gave it to John Marshall, and Marshall's son gave it to the VMHC.
Pocahontas was held for ransom but the demand was never met. Whether she was forced to are wanted too she got married to a guy. She became a baptized Christian and changed her name to Rebecca. She had a son named Thomas.
Mexico City, Mexico
Aimee Linares
Mexican Tacos
Omg there's so far 4 kids showing us how to eat their cultured food. They are making tacos and they're making a home made tortilla. They are showing us what exactly they have to make their taco. They are also showing us where the food came form and what is in it. Also don't forget to twist your head and bite your taco. They show you a proper way to eat it.
Mexican Crafts
They are now showing us a piñata which is made with newspaper and flour mixed with water as a glue for the piñata. They showed us a mariachi jacket. One of our groups taught them how to say how are you and you're pretty in her language which is Chin. They also made a cut paper for a celebration for day of the dead.
He said there was this huge jungle there in Mexico. Ohhhhh nooo!! They said they know about Tiktok. Now they're doing renegade. renegade, renegade, renegade. Woo. Ha ha ha.
Mexican Tacos
Omg there's so far 4 kids showing us how to eat their cultured food. They are making tacos and they're making a home made tortilla. They are showing us what exactly they have to make their taco. They are also showing us where the food came form and what is in it. Also don't forget to twist your head and bite your taco. They show you a proper way to eat it.
Mexican Crafts
They are now showing us a piñata which is made with newspaper and flour mixed with water as a glue for the piñata. They showed us a mariachi jacket. One of our groups taught them how to say how are you and you're pretty in her language which is Chin. They also made a cut paper for a celebration for day of the dead.
He said there was this huge jungle there in Mexico. Ohhhhh nooo!! They said they know about Tiktok. Now they're doing renegade. renegade, renegade, renegade. Woo. Ha ha ha.
Mexico City, Mexico private school to public school Skype
March 12, 2020
2:00 pm
Lucia Genuardi
We talked to 5th grade students and they showed us how they prepare Tacos and eat them. First they take steak and put it on a tortilla. Then they put salsa verde on top. They showed us green tomatoes. They told us how they mash peppers to make chili. They have a meat called bistec.
They use pickle onion, cilantro, and pineapple. There is a certain side they use so the tortilla don't crumple in your hands.
A group of girls told us how to make mexican arts and crafts.
The first craft is an pinata, which is made from paper scraps and glue which is made from flour and water, to paper mache shapes. Then they showed us sugar skulls and baso which are god creatures, one they showed us is a Leopard with wings. They later told us about The Day Of The Dead commonly known as Dia De Los Muertos. One of our kids taught how to say "How are you"and "You're pretty" in chin. Their favorite part of school is their friends. They play sports such as, Basketball, Futbol, and volleyball.
The next group is a group of boys.
They have a jungle in Mexico that has a lot of water falls. Some of the girls in our class taught the boys how to do a Tik Tok dance called the "Renegade." The boys and girls danced. There is a volcano in Mexico called Popo.
2:00 pm
Lucia Genuardi
We talked to 5th grade students and they showed us how they prepare Tacos and eat them. First they take steak and put it on a tortilla. Then they put salsa verde on top. They showed us green tomatoes. They told us how they mash peppers to make chili. They have a meat called bistec.
They use pickle onion, cilantro, and pineapple. There is a certain side they use so the tortilla don't crumple in your hands.
A group of girls told us how to make mexican arts and crafts.
The first craft is an pinata, which is made from paper scraps and glue which is made from flour and water, to paper mache shapes. Then they showed us sugar skulls and baso which are god creatures, one they showed us is a Leopard with wings. They later told us about The Day Of The Dead commonly known as Dia De Los Muertos. One of our kids taught how to say "How are you"and "You're pretty" in chin. Their favorite part of school is their friends. They play sports such as, Basketball, Futbol, and volleyball.
The next group is a group of boys.
They have a jungle in Mexico that has a lot of water falls. Some of the girls in our class taught the boys how to do a Tik Tok dance called the "Renegade." The boys and girls danced. There is a volcano in Mexico called Popo.
Mexico City Skype Call
March 12
Kaylan Freeman
We are talking to fifth graders. They are showing us how they make and eat tacos. They use this tool that you put special dough in and it flattens it. You stuff it with what you want. They also told us that before you eat it you have to twist you head! They have this type of meat that has a special sauce thats imported from somewhere. It's very interesting to watch. It's basically like a mukbang. Theres a certain side you have to stuff the tortilla.
Now there are different fifth talking about their crafts. They say pinatas are made of flour and water to act as a glue. One our students have shown then a couple of words that are in her language. They seem to really enjoy learning another language that isn't the two they know.
They actually started to do some tiktok dances for us.
Kaylan Freeman
We are talking to fifth graders. They are showing us how they make and eat tacos. They use this tool that you put special dough in and it flattens it. You stuff it with what you want. They also told us that before you eat it you have to twist you head! They have this type of meat that has a special sauce thats imported from somewhere. It's very interesting to watch. It's basically like a mukbang. Theres a certain side you have to stuff the tortilla.
Now there are different fifth talking about their crafts. They say pinatas are made of flour and water to act as a glue. One our students have shown then a couple of words that are in her language. They seem to really enjoy learning another language that isn't the two they know.
They actually started to do some tiktok dances for us.
Turtles First Call!!
Here we go! DeLay's 3rd 24-Hour World is officially underway.
10:00 AM: Team Turtles got to start the day with a practice call to Miss Castillo's boyfriend, Hayes Maddox. Hayes is a pilot and is stuck in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
1:00 PM: Team Turtles got to go on a field trip to the Calaveras Big Trees State Park! California is BEAUTIFUL and Sequoias have been around since the dinosaurs.
Click on the following video to get the kids take on their first call!
Love - The Turtles!!!
Calaveras Big Tree
March 12
Call #4
M. Garza
State Park
Amazing walk through the forest!! Our ranger was amazing! She was so fun, interesting and insightful!!
We learned so much!!!
Call #4
M. Garza
State Park
Amazing walk through the forest!! Our ranger was amazing! She was so fun, interesting and insightful!!
We learned so much!!!
- Some Sequoia Trees are taller than the Statue of Liberty!!
- Older than the Joshua Tree
- The Sequoia Tree on one the oldest building
- 1931- over $1 million California Purchase
- Before Gold Rush started one TREE was cut down to show world!! NO tech means it had to go on tour. However, that is also why the trees have to be protected!! This lead to CONVERSATION AND PRESERVATION!!! 1931 started protecting trees!!
Doctor Bart- Mini Leadership Seminar!!!
March 12
M. Garza
Call #3 Doctor Bart Tkaczyk
Leadership- process of motivating others to work, to meet specific tasks.
Followership- being follower doesn't mean less role. "NO Leaders without Followership."
1. Trait:
2. How leaders behave?
M. Garza
Call #3 Doctor Bart Tkaczyk
Leadership- process of motivating others to work, to meet specific tasks.
Followership- being follower doesn't mean less role. "NO Leaders without Followership."
1. Trait:
- self awareness
- understand yourself
- empathy (empathy beats tech)
- awareness
2. How leaders behave?
- Role modeling
- people are watching you and learn from you
- Growth oriented for people
- leaders way different hats
- coaching- don't tell, ask more, what do you think? listen deeply
- support student- be more effective, delegate more
Leadership Seminar - Dr. Bart Tkaczyk (Poland)

Who do you consider to be a leader?
What qualities make them a leader?
Are leaders born or made?
Each of the girls at the interview station explain who they consider to be a leader and why they chose them. Some chose teachers, some chose parents, some chose influential figures - all reasons were thoughtful and insightful. These girls are future leaders!! 😍
Here's a little bit of what we learned today:
"Leadership is the process of motivating others to meet specific objectives." - Dr. Bart
"You do not become a leader overnight - it's a process." - Dr. Bart
Positive "followership" is important too. Being a follower doesn't mean you have a lesser role, nor does it mean being passive.
Honesty and integrity are backed by research as important traits to have in a leader.
These are great quotes, thoughts and ideas from an excellent leadership seminar today! There was so much information we didn't include on this post, including leadership styles, behaviors and how to identify what needs to be changed in your own leadership skills. If you'd like to contact Dr. Bart for more information, I'll post his contact information below.
Thank you Dr. Bart! 👍
Leadership Seminar
We had a great seminar about LEADERSHIP.
At 12:00 pm we contacted Dr. Bart Tkaczyk in Poland. He shared his findings about the topic.
Our students shared their thoughts about leadership. Very thoughtful comments!
They admire their parents, their teachers, or their partners in a team. They said that leaders learn from experience, and that mistakes make you a better person and a BETTER LEADER.

Dr. Bart Tkaczyk's definition: Leadership is the process to motivating others to work.
Followers are an important part of project. Both, leaders and followers are important.
Some of the characteristics of a leader are: honesty, integrity, positive energy, individual and social motivation to lead, open to learning, emotional stability. Leaders have emotional intelligence which includes self-awareness, self-regulation, social skills and empathy. In some countries, charisma is considered important, but research doesn't demonstrate that charisma is really essential.
Thank you for helping us learn more about leadership, Dr. Tkaczyk!
We have great leaders among our group of students. I am sure they are making our world a better place for all of us!
At 12:00 pm we contacted Dr. Bart Tkaczyk in Poland. He shared his findings about the topic.
Our students shared their thoughts about leadership. Very thoughtful comments!
They admire their parents, their teachers, or their partners in a team. They said that leaders learn from experience, and that mistakes make you a better person and a BETTER LEADER.
Dr. Bart Tkaczyk's definition: Leadership is the process to motivating others to work.
Followers are an important part of project. Both, leaders and followers are important.
Some of the characteristics of a leader are: honesty, integrity, positive energy, individual and social motivation to lead, open to learning, emotional stability. Leaders have emotional intelligence which includes self-awareness, self-regulation, social skills and empathy. In some countries, charisma is considered important, but research doesn't demonstrate that charisma is really essential.
Thank you for helping us learn more about leadership, Dr. Tkaczyk!
We have great leaders among our group of students. I am sure they are making our world a better place for all of us!
Ranger Tegan: Joshua Tree National Park

One very important thing is that the Mojave desert is the Northern side of the desert, and gets twice as much of rain. The southern side of the desert is the Colorado desert.
Another thing is that once Joshua trees absorb too much water the limbs start falling instead of the whole thing dying.
The way that Joshua trees are pollinated is that Yucca moths lay their eggs and once the eggs hatch the larva have food to eat. A cute animal in Joshua Tree National Park is the desert tortoise. A dangerous animal in the desert is the mountain lion.
Mr. Harbula went camping in Joshua Tree a couple of summers ago. Check out his pictures!
Hayes Maddox
March 12
M. Garza
Call #1
Fun call with Hayes Maddox a pilot. He has been flying since he was 14. We love looking at this plane. It was out of commission because the toilet did not work. He was funny, kind and let the kids ask him a ton of questions. He was a last minute addition but an amazing addition!!
M. Garza
Call #1
Fun call with Hayes Maddox a pilot. He has been flying since he was 14. We love looking at this plane. It was out of commission because the toilet did not work. He was funny, kind and let the kids ask him a ton of questions. He was a last minute addition but an amazing addition!!
Joshua Tree
March 12, 2020
M. Garza
Location: Joshua Tree National Park, California
Call #2
Joshua Tree is an ancient plant. It is not really a tree. It is designed like a sponge. It can store up its water and use it later. Yucca Moth is the Joshua Tree friend. They have a intentional and specific relationship to help each other. If the Yucca Moth die and so will Joshua Tree.
They have history of Native Americans living in desert. Later cattle ranchers in the desert, followed by Gold Miners.
They protect wildlife and human history.
Interesting Fact:
- Sloth Used that lives in desert and would kill the Joshua Tree and no longer exists.
- Joshua Tree is known:
M. Garza
Location: Joshua Tree National Park, California
Call #2
Joshua Tree is an ancient plant. It is not really a tree. It is designed like a sponge. It can store up its water and use it later. Yucca Moth is the Joshua Tree friend. They have a intentional and specific relationship to help each other. If the Yucca Moth die and so will Joshua Tree.
They have history of Native Americans living in desert. Later cattle ranchers in the desert, followed by Gold Miners.
They protect wildlife and human history.
Interesting Fact:
- Sloth Used that lives in desert and would kill the Joshua Tree and no longer exists.
- Joshua Tree is known:
- "Tree is beautifully grotesque"
- "Doctor Suess Reject"
- "Native American Grocery Stores"
Second call: Joshua Tree National Park
Our second call is with Ranger Tegan, at Twentynine Palms, California. She explained us about
the Joshua tree, a protected species in this park.
The Joshua tree is not really a tree. It is more like a "flower" that takes water from the tree where it's attached to. "Beautiful grotesque" called by some, it grows only in this desert.
A moth is in charge of taking the pollen among plants while laying its eggs in the plant. That is the perfect partnership. SO INTERESTING!
Great job, Mr. Harbula's team!
the Joshua tree, a protected species in this park.
The Joshua tree is not really a tree. It is more like a "flower" that takes water from the tree where it's attached to. "Beautiful grotesque" called by some, it grows only in this desert.
A moth is in charge of taking the pollen among plants while laying its eggs in the plant. That is the perfect partnership. SO INTERESTING!
Great job, Mr. Harbula's team!
Getting ready!!!
These students are incredible! We are already enjoying this wonderful experience!
Working with the team of teachers is like a party.
Thank you, Monique Garza for planning all these activities.
Too much to learn, and SO MUCH FUN!
Working with the team of teachers is like a party.
Thank you, Monique Garza for planning all these activities.
Too much to learn, and SO MUCH FUN!
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Set Up- Done!!
March 11, 2020
M. Garza
As each year passes I get a little smarter in setting up for the 24- Hour World Tour and a little less obsessive. I realized that there is no such thing as perfect. The more I obsess, the harder it gets. I need to always embrace things that I can't control and those that I can. I realized cancellation in the schedule is normal, printers not working are a teacher's life but things always work out. So I need not worry. No matter what happens, we have a wonderful group of teachers helping and a great group of kids eager and willing to learn.
I look forward to tomorrow and the adventure we will all go on.
Grogan thanks for helping me set up tables this morning. Den parents thanks for the last-minute
meeting this morning. Jayne thanks for the Twitter update on our Canvas page.
M. Garza
As each year passes I get a little smarter in setting up for the 24- Hour World Tour and a little less obsessive. I realized that there is no such thing as perfect. The more I obsess, the harder it gets. I need to always embrace things that I can't control and those that I can. I realized cancellation in the schedule is normal, printers not working are a teacher's life but things always work out. So I need not worry. No matter what happens, we have a wonderful group of teachers helping and a great group of kids eager and willing to learn.
I look forward to tomorrow and the adventure we will all go on.
Grogan thanks for helping me set up tables this morning. Den parents thanks for the last-minute
meeting this morning. Jayne thanks for the Twitter update on our Canvas page.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Being Appreciative
March 10, 2020
M. Garza
Being appreciative is something to remember. I think we are often so busy and forget to say THANK YOU!! Today reminded me of how people and businesses can be kind, supportive, and generous. Valley Creek Church and Frito Lay, thank you for the snacks and for helping our school!! You guys always help without hesitation. I can't explain what your generosity means to us. It was amazing walking in today and seeing these snacks for our students!!
Two people canceled on us last night but I when I came to school Tiffany Selz and Tiffany Morgan to the rescue. Tiffany Selz thank you for getting Germany for us!! Tiffany Morgan thanks for also helping us out with our last-minute cancellations. All 24 calls are locked down.
Then, at the end of the day, Angela King shows up with our 24 World Tour book ready to be sent to the printers. Angela thanks for putting together our books!! The books look amazing!!
Thank you!!
M. Garza
Being appreciative is something to remember. I think we are often so busy and forget to say THANK YOU!! Today reminded me of how people and businesses can be kind, supportive, and generous. Valley Creek Church and Frito Lay, thank you for the snacks and for helping our school!! You guys always help without hesitation. I can't explain what your generosity means to us. It was amazing walking in today and seeing these snacks for our students!!
Two people canceled on us last night but I when I came to school Tiffany Selz and Tiffany Morgan to the rescue. Tiffany Selz thank you for getting Germany for us!! Tiffany Morgan thanks for also helping us out with our last-minute cancellations. All 24 calls are locked down.
Then, at the end of the day, Angela King shows up with our 24 World Tour book ready to be sent to the printers. Angela thanks for putting together our books!! The books look amazing!!
Thank you!!
Donated by Frito Lay
Donated by Valley Creek Church
Creator of the World Tour Book- Angela King
Friday, March 6, 2020
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Testing All Calls!!
Testing all Calls!!
Behind the making of the 24-Hour World Tour is a lot of test calls, confirmation emails, reminders, and meeting amazing people. I love the test calls. It is fun seeing the amazing people who want to help us on our adventure. So many amazing people all over the work!! We can't wait!!
Thank You to all the people who said, "YES!!"
Doctor Bart Tkaczyk- Test call and a quick review of what will happen.
Via Skype - 10:00 AM
The Ballard Family- My first ever working Zoom internationally-
6:00 PM
The Walkers in Africa- 10:00 PM via Zoom
My Mystery Skype Practice Call - 12:30 (March 6)
12:54 finished my last practice call and we think we might use Zoom!! We we happy to see each other after 2 years!!
Our Last Meeting!!
March 05, 2020
M. Garza
It was our last meeting before the main event next week!! This time the kids learned how to Mystery Skype!! They tried to guess where Marjie was from and they got it right!! Thanks, Marjie for helping us out!!! We appreciate you taking time out of your schedule to talk with us!!
Den Parent finally got to meet their groups!! They all seemed to gel very quickly!! Den parents thank you for all your support and going on this journey with me. I truly appreciate you all!!
Angela King thanks for always getting photos of the event but more importantly supporting DeLay Middle School and our kids!! You are amazing!!

Den Parent finally got to meet their groups!! They all seemed to gel very quickly!! Den parents thank you for all your support and going on this journey with me. I truly appreciate you all!!
Angela King thanks for always getting photos of the event but more importantly supporting DeLay Middle School and our kids!! You are amazing!!
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