Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Being Appreciative

March 10, 2020
M. Garza

Being appreciative is something to remember. I think we are often so busy and forget to say THANK YOU!! Today reminded me of how people and businesses can be kind, supportive, and generous. Valley Creek Church and Frito Lay, thank you for the snacks and for helping our school!!  You guys always help without hesitation. I can't explain what your generosity means to us. It was amazing walking in today and seeing these snacks for our students!!

Two people canceled on us last night but I when I came to school Tiffany Selz and Tiffany Morgan to the rescue. Tiffany Selz thank you for getting Germany for us!! Tiffany Morgan thanks for also helping us out with our last-minute cancellations. All 24 calls are locked down.

Then, at the end of the day, Angela King shows up with our 24 World Tour book ready to be sent to the printers. Angela thanks for putting together our books!! The books look amazing!!

Thank you!!

Donated by Frito Lay

Donated by Valley Creek Church

 Creator of the World Tour Book- Angela King

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