While talking with Jenny Comperda, she teached us many things about Calaveras Big Tree State Park. One of the things she showed us was the biggest tree in the state park, the Sequoia, which only grows in the state of California, and it can grow from 200ft to 300ft tall. It is also known as the Red Wooden Tree, and it can be from 1000 to 4000 years old. They are so thick and red because they have a layer called tannin, also found on chocolate, grapes, and apples. This layer protects them from fires, insects and other types of animals. Humans are the only thing that can harm these trees.
Some animals that can most commonly be found are the squirrels and the long horned beetles. These animals help spread the seeds from the cones. Sometimes fire is required to dry the cones and to clean the area, so they can have more space to grow new Sequoia. Because of new towns nearby the park rangers don't start fires anymore. There's only one poisonous specie in the park which is the rattle snake.
Mariana, Dariela, Lupita,
LHS Harmon
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