Behind the Making of the 24 Hour World Tour
I wanted to try and get someone this year that was famous for doing something that I thought was amazing!! I tried Ellen, Malala and Jordan Matters. I will be honest. I expected a "No" from them all because they are all very busy people and I teach at a school in Lewisville, Texas. Not that my school is not amazing, it is just that they are very busy.
Malala's people did get back to me and apparently, I filled it out on the wrong form so I redid it on the correct form. However, she was very busy and could not talk to us. I am going to say that this doesn't negate the fact that she is AMAZING!!!
Then, Ellen... also AMAZING!!! I did not get a response back. I will be honest, I probably filled out the wrong form! I still think she is 100% a wonderful person who inspires people on a daily basis to be kind.
That is just what Jordan Matter did. He gave us the greatest gift in my book, his time!! Normally we have one of the 5 families take the call but in this, cause I had all the girls who have aspirations to photographers take the call.
If you have no idea who Jordan Matter is you are missing out!! So below I have attached a link. Very quickly he is a professional photographer out of NY. I will attach another link with his bio.
So, I get an email from a guy name Honor who says that Jordan Matter would talk to us!!! I started yelling at a meeting I was at. Then, I had to explain why! I called my sister to let her know and my mom!! It was like I had opened up a Christmas gift, but it wasn't Christmas. I replied telling Honor that I actually did not think Jordan would say yes. So I would pretty much make anything work!!
Honor worked with me to get it figured out for a few weeks and then, the day before Jordan called to get a few more details.
So why did I pick Jordan as an amazing person? Well, a few reasons, I love the joy and laughter he gives to the world, his videos bring me happiness but more importantly, I like that his pictures are real. Real as in "real" stories of ordinary people doing great things. My favorite is Lizzy Howell. I love when normal people do great things. Lizzy is amazing!! I love that he stands up for things that are wrong and highlights peoples lives that are the everyday heroes. See video link below.
The experience was so amazing!! My girls were so happy!!! At that moment I knew that all the hard work was worth it!! Thank you, Jordan!! Thank you for making my kids so happy, giving them ideas, tips on photography, and most importantly your time.
My Favorite tip: "You have a take a ton of pictures and make mistakes to get some good ones."
I end by saying thank you!!!

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